I've been blogging for a while, but I started this one in 2011 and have a book review site I started in 2010. If you're not sure where to go in the labyrinth that is my mind/this blog, start here with my blogroll. Or maybe don't because it might scare you away.
Lolaloop is about my life in general and things I like or find amusing. I got to the name through the meandering tracks of my mind... basically it started because I was trying to think of a twitter name. I blame twitter. Laura (nicknamed Lola by my grandma) -> Lola Lou P -> Lola Loo P -> LolaLoop. And there we are! I already had the twitter name so when I went to start the blog... well... I wanted something easy to remember and short.
About Laura
Hi! I'm from a rural area in Michigan. I love things like Doctor Who, Sherlock and Supernatural. Also kids movies. And cake. And ice cream. And balloon animals and bouncy castles. And old Star Trek and X-Files episodes. Also reading. And many other things... (I'm also a fan of ellipsis).
So I like a lot things. I won't list the things I don't like though because of reasons.
To get to know me better, check out a blog I did where I answer random survey questions. I do a book survey, too if you like that kind of thing.
About the book blog:
The blog was originally started by me and after feeling a bit overwhelmed by having another blog (lolaloop) I decided I wanted to collaborate. So I invited my cousin, Stepfanie, to help me out and add some reviews of her own. My hope is that when we read they same books you can get both of our thoughts. I seem to enjoy anything fiction while Stephanie has a love of romance & YA novels.
When I do book reviews, I like to give a description of the book and a short summary about what I thought of it. I could do a longer analysis of the work, but I typically don't like to read reviews that go on and on without giving me the basic idea. If I'm reading a review it's because I'm deciding if I want to read the book or not, so that's what I try to do when I write my own. I'll tell you the good and the bad and try to keep it spoiler free.
About Stepfanie
Born in Michigan, but currently living in Japan (like a boss). Cousin of Laura. You can find her on Twitter!
The Fine Print

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
Lolaloop.com is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
You are welcome to use content and images from this site for non-commercial purposes, provided you give proper credit and provide a link back to the original content but not in any way that suggests that this blog endorses you or your use of the work. Don't steal my shit and call it yours.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available by emailing Laura at laura(at)lolaloop(dot)com
© Lolaloop 2011. All rights reserved
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This policy is valid from 17 January 2013
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