July 5, 2021

Podcasting Craziness

My cousin and I started podcasting in the spring and we've been having a lot of fun with it. It is also the most I've talked to another adult about stuff outside work and my husband in the last couple of years. 

The first one we did is called MaxiMOM Effort. We talk about... basically whatever we want to. Which makes it entertaining for me because I'm usually all over the place with my interests so it's nice to discuss things without feeling like I'm restricted to only talking about one topic and sticking to it. It's mom time where we can chat and have drinks if the mood strikes.

The podcast we just started that begins July 8th is a true crime podcast with a focus on Michigan. Both Stepfanie and I are true crime junkies, so it is fun to be able to focus on our home state and discover crimes we have never heard of before.

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